Frequently asked questions

What is your turnaround time?

Current turnaround time will be listed on the homepage of my website, click my name at the top of the page to take you there! Turnaround time can be complex, as I only take a limited amount of commissions to protect my time and energy; it all depends on how quickly orders fill up and how quickly you get your order in, but the sooner the better!

Do you do other custom paintings besides houses and invitations?

Yes! I won’t do everything that comes my way, but it can’t hurt to ask. You can email me at for any inquiries about custom paintings you don’t see listed.

Why are the paintings so expensive?

I use Professional quality products, 300 lb watercolor paper that I hand-tear. I use professional quality brushes and paints as well. Your cost is comprised of the products I use, the materials I use to hand-package your orders, and the rest covers my time spent creating your painting. I hope that you can trust me with your order, I take each one very seriously in order to create exactly what you are hoping for.

Do you have lower-priced inventory if I can’t afford a custom painting?

First, I would suggest that you look into smaller custom paintings that may be more affordable, or you can email me for a custom-sized quote if it is not listed. If this is still not ideal, I hope to have some prints available at some point. You can sign up for my email list on the homepage If you’d like to be updated on when prints drop!

How can I keep in touch?

The best way is through my email list, which is on my home page as a link you can visit to subscribe. You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram for a peek into my studio, but I won’t be using these platforms often!

What shipping options are there?

I have a $7 flat rate for most items. For larger paintings, or framed paintings in which shipping costs me more, the price increases for those specific items.

Can you frame my painting?

Absolutely! I have a custom framing add-on on my Shop page. There are several framing options for a total of $200, which covers the cost of the frame and shipping a larger, more fragile framed piece of art, as you will only be charged the $3.50 flat rate when you purchase a painting with a framing add-on.